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Can you have an IT career without college?

Information Technology is an innovative field in many ways, and in this wave of innovation, many people claim that it is not necessary to have an academic background, a diploma, to succeed in this area... But does it really work?

Many people use the argument that "what matters is knowledge" to assert that a college degree is not necessary to have a successful career in IT. Indeed, many companies nowadays have a more open mindset regarding this, placing less importance on a traditional degree or diploma. On the other hand, some argue that it is impossible to build a successful career without a good college education.

Amidst heated debates on this topic, it is sometimes difficult to take a position without being influenced by strong emotions. Therefore, we have gathered some arguments not to tell you whether it is worth pursuing a college degree, but rather to make you reflect on this decision, which is crucial in any professional's life.

  • Do you learn things in college that you wouldn't learn elsewhere?

The answer to this first question is: no. Currently, all the knowledge that can be conveyed to a college student can be found on the internet without any difficulty. However, we cannot say that the ease of access to this content is the same for those who pursue a college education and those who do not. While you can find all the content of a degree program online, the way it is presented, linked with other content, and taught by a professor in a college setting can make a difference for you, especially if you have difficulty learning things on your own.

  • Self-learning is always a good option.

Many people have the idea that learning something on their own is simple, just by reading books and consulting the internet, a good portion of people can develop themselves very well.

With books like the one shown beside, many people start their studies in the development field and manage to pursue incredible careers from there. By clicking on the image beside, you will be directed to the website where you can acquire your copy and start your studies.

However, not everyone shares this skill, and sometimes it is necessary, especially when dealing with more advanced subjects, to have the assistance of a teacher or tutor who already has some experience in the subject you want to learn. It depends on understanding at what level of learning you are.

  • Many universities produce unqualified professionals.

Yes, it is common to see professionals who have graduated but have not absorbed the content of their degree program. Does this mean that pursuing a college education is not worthwhile? No. Just like in any other place, there are people who dedicate themselves to things and people who do things just for the sake of doing them. It is possible to derive a lot of benefit from a college education and the knowledge offered if you understand that it is not enough to simply attend classes and receive a diploma at the end of the course.

  • Networking.

One of the things that companies value most in an employee is their ability to network, as it reveals a lot about how they interact in a group. A college education is an excellent opportunity to exercise this skill. Direct contact with classmates, experienced professors, and the academic community in general can open doors to almost any area you want to work in. Moreover, institutions that offer college programs usually aim to integrate students into the job market by creating partnerships with industry companies to facilitate student hiring.

  • Having a diploma is still a good guarantee for the future.

Although there are indeed companies that value the person more than their diplomas, this is not the majority of cases. A college degree is still regarded as evidence that you possess certain knowledge, considering all the points mentioned above. With a diploma in hand, the need to prove oneself as a master of a subject becomes less frequent.

  • A technical course is sufficient to enter the job market.

Yes, having the title of coach already puts you one step closer to your goal of having a successful career. However, we are getting to the point where, just like knowing English or mastering the Office package, graduation is becoming something almost basic, therefore, having only the title of technician gives you a better position but nothing that can guarantee you a job, especially if we are analyzing vacancies that pay better and/or are more competitive for other reasons.


In fact, it is possible to have a career in the IT area without having an undergraduate degree, however, the trajectory can be much longer and more laborious when opting for this. Whenever you are in a situation of hiring, dismissal, changing areas of activity, among others, the fact of not having a degree can put you at a disadvantage in relation to other professionals, especially if you are just starting out in the IT market .

It is important to point out that in no way do we believe that a professional without a degree is not capable of doing something. However, when we are dealing with a business environment, many companies prefer "certainty over uncertainty" when having to choose between an employee with and without training.


Como está o seu currículo?

Ter um bom currículo é uma fator chave para você ter seu trabalho reconhecido perante o mercado de trabalho.


Sabemos que elaborar um bom currículo que descreva bem suas habilidade e suas expectativas pode ser uma tarefa muito complicada.

Clique no botão abaixo para ter todo o suporte necessário na elaboração de um currículo nota 10.

Como está o seu currículo?

Ter um bom currículo é uma fator chave para você ter seu trabalho reconhecido perante o mercado de trabalho.


Sabemos que elaborar um bom currículo que descreva bem suas habilidade e suas expectativas pode ser uma tarefa muito complicada.

Clique no botão abaixo para ter todo o suporte necessário na elaboração de um currículo nota 10.

Sobre o Autor

"Olá meu nome é Tiago Stasaitis, sou formado

Técnico em Informática e bacharel em Sistemas de Informação.


Fundei o Acadêmico Tech no intuito de compartilhar conteúdo que pode ajudar pessoas a se desenvolverem pessoal e profissionalmente. "

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